



私たちは、”Occupy Oakland”に対する10月25日~26日の言語道断の弾圧に対して、ここに満腔の怒りを表明するものです。
We express our indignation against the outrageous onslaught on the struggle of “Occupy Oakland” by the police on October 25th to 26th.

While the global economic crisis is desperately plunging into the abyss, the last resort of collapsing capitalism is brutal execution of neo-liberal agendas in blatant way: de-regularization, privatization, outsourcing, casualization and so on. In their shameless pursuit of profit, greedy corporations are driving 99% of the whole population into poverty keeping them on the starvation line, even flagrantly avoiding “contractual duty”. On the other hand, they are escalating fierce competition among themselves, or among imperialist and other world big powers, by means of the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), and intensifying war of aggression in various regions of the world.

全世界的な「Occupy Movement」に対する苛烈な弾圧、バンゲ・伊藤忠などによるILWU Local 21に対する管轄権破壊・労組破壊攻撃、日本における労組法も停止する「震災復興特区」攻撃の展開、そしてフィリピン航空の地上職全員解雇・非正規職化攻撃などに対し、労働者民衆の根源的な怒りが世界中で爆発しています。今こそ国際連帯の真価が今こそ問われます。
Ferocious repression on world-wide “Occupying Movement”, attack by Bunge, Itochu and others on ILWU Local 21 to destroy its jurisdiction and union itself, an attempt of setting up “Special Reconstruction District in disaster-affected areas” free from labor laws in Japan and onslaught on PALEA (Philippines) to fire all ground service workers and to replace them with irregular employment --- all these capitalist attacks are triggering profound anger of the working people everywhere in the world. Now, our international solidarity has to prove its full justice and validity.

貴11・2ゼネストを断固として支持し、日本における11・5~11・6の労働者国際連帯集会と大デモンストレーションを、ILWU Local 21、TWSC、KCTUソウル本部そしてドイツの労働者代表と共に闘い抜きます。
We pledge our full support to your general strike planned on November 2nd and declare our determination to carry out International Workers’ Solidarity Rally and a great demonstration on November 5th and 6th in Japan in a firm unity with the delegations from ILWU Local 21, TWSC (Transport Workers’ Solidarity Committee), KCTU Seoul Regional Council and labor representatives from Germany.
Let’s fight arm in arm to change the corrupt society with a proud banner of international solidarity!

National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba (Doro-Chiba)
President, TANAKA Yasuhiro
